In this episode you’ll listen to lesson 1 of the 12th grade American History course of the Ron Paul Curriculum. This American History course is taught by Dr. Gary North.

The 12th grade American History course for the Ron Paul Curriculum is taught by Dr. Gary North. This American History course begins with the discovery of American in 1492. The course moves to Jamestown and New England in the 17th century and ends in the early 21st century.

12th Grade American History Course Overview

What is this course about? Read this description by course instructor, Dr. Gary North:

I teach students to think, then dig deeper, then re-think.

This course requires students to read and analyze primary source documents. It requires them to read recent conventional opinions on historical figures, inventions, and events. It requires them to listen to my assessments of chronological developments in these areas: politics, law, economic history, and religious history. They must also look at maps. A lot is revealed by maps.

This course teaches students to consider the five W’s: what?, where?, when?, who?, and why? It also teaches them to consider this: how?

In this 36-week course, students complete daily reading assignments and watch a video commentary on Monday through Thursday. Friday’s video will review the previous four lessons. The student will be expected to write a short essay on Friday about the main topic of the week.

You can click here to learn more about this course and the Ron Paul Curriculum.

Would you like to see the 16th century map which shows Antarctica? You can click here to see the 1531 map of Antarctica (I said 1536 in the podcast.) You’ll learn about this map and many more facts which have been left out of American history textbooks.

About the Instructor

Economics Gary North Ron Paul CurriculumDr. Gary North is the author of over 60 books, including Honest Money, Salvation Through Inflation, and a 31-volume Economic Commentary of the Bible. He has published the Remnant Review newsletter since 1974. He has written over 1,250 articles on Lew Dr. North received his Ph.D. in American history from the University of California, Riverside.

Dr. North teaches economics, U.S. history, business, government, and the high school English courses for the Ron Paul Curriculum.

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