In this episode you’ll learn about the Economics course of the Ron Paul Curriculum. This course is taught by Dr. Gary North. The study of economics introduces students to the battle of ideas. Students will learn how to argue effectively for the free market and have more confidence in the free market. This course is taught from the perspective of the freedom philosophy.

Freedom Quote

“You can’t beat something with nothing. You beat something with something better.” ~Dr. Gary North

Course Overview

You’ll learn a lot about how economics affects the world around you:

  • You’ll understand systems of economic cause and effect
  • You’ll understand the right of contract and social implications of this right
  • You’ll understand pricing, money and banking
  • You’ll understand labor, trade unions, and wage controls
  • You’ll understand capital, wealth and interest rates
  • You’ll understand entrepreneurship and the sources of economic growth
  • You’ll understand profit and loss
  • You’ll understand cartels, monopolies and oligopolies
  • You’ll understand trade across invisible legal boundaries, and more…

You can click here to learn more about this course and the Ron Paul Curriculum.

Current Educational Journey

The power of screencasting in education. Salman Kahn has shown the way.

What If I’d Had the RPC

I would have known to get my B.A. degree by distance learning for 80% off. I would not have left home to go to college.

Advice to Parents

Do not pay a dime for your child’s undergraduate college education. The child can pay for it by working part-time. If you pay for any higher education, save it for grad school.

Advice to Students

Earn your accredited college degree at home by age 18 for under $12,000.

Recommended Book

The School Revolution: A New Answer for Our Broken Education System by Ron Paul. Purchase this book at

Success Habit

Working a minimum of 14 hours a day, six days a week.

About the Instructor

Economics Gary North Ron Paul CurriculumGary North, Ph.D. is the author of over 50 books, including Honest Money and Salvation Through Inflation. He has published the Remnant Review newsletter since 1974. He has published over 1,250 articles on Lew

Dr. North teaches economics, U.S. history, business, government, and the high school English courses for the Ron Paul Curriculum.

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