In this episode you’ll learn about the 4th Grade English course of the Ron Paul Curriculum. Richard Emmons interviews instructor Kaliste Fish.

Freedom Quote

“Education is the key to unlock the golden door to freedom.” ~George Washington Carver

Course Overview of 4th Grade English

Grammar is an important skill because students must use good grammar when writing or speaking. This course combines three different learning methods — videos, reading, writing — to create an effective learning atmosphere.

The 4th grade English video lessons each introduce the topic for the day, provide examples of the new topic, and review material covered in the previous lesson’s worksheet. The daily reading assignments are a chosen at an age-appropriate level to help your child enjoy the class. But these stories also reinforce the video lessons by giving the student constant examples of good grammar.

You may have a child in 5th or 6th grade who needs help learning the rules of grammar taught in the 4th grade English course. Consider having them take this course to get up to grade level. Your child could review the Friday review lessons and study the Monday to Thursday lessons when they need help on a particular topic.

You can click here to learn more about this course and the Ron Paul Curriculum.

Current Educational Journey

I have really enjoyed re-learning some of my English and grammar rules in a little more in depth as I study to prepare this course. This has been a good challenge for me as I relearn the rules of grammar, teach what is necessary, make it simple for students to learn. yet push the students to really learn the material.

What If I’d Had the Ron Paul Curriculum?

Being able to listen to a teacher teach me and learn to comprehend the material would have been good for me. I am a visual learner so the video lessons would have helped me learn the subjects quicker. Ron Paul’s Curriculum combines both learning styles, auditory and visual learning.

Advice to Parents

Some parents hesitate to homeschool their children but I want to encourage them to try it. Parents CAN and are capable to teach their kids especially with a curriculum like RPC, where a lot of the actual teaching is done for you.

Advice to Students

Everyone needs to be able to communicate well. Reading and writing are the basis for that. So stick with your studies. It is very well worth it and don’t give up!

Recommended Book

As long as you are reading good literature, that’s the important thing. Keep reading no matter how old you are or what stage of life you are in.

Success Habit

Attention to detail would be one of my biggest strengths. While preparing lessons for this course, I preferred doing things correctly the first time around rather than going back and correcting later.

About the Instructor

Kaliste Fish teaches 4th and 5th grade English in the Ron Paul Curriculum. She  grew up in a large homeschooling family Kaliste-Fishand enjoyed being homeschooled from K to 12th grade.

Kaliste enjoys working from home, cooking fancy meals for her family, and playing outdoor sports with friends. She currently lives outside Atlanta Georgia with her husband Bradley.

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