In this episode Richard Emmons interviews Bradley Fish, Jr. who teaches the English 6 course for the Ron Paul Curriculum.

Freedom Quote

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” ~First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution

Course Overview

As students begin taking over their own education in middle school, it can be a bit overwhelming for both parent and student. By tying literature, grammar, and writing into one course, the Ron Paul Curriculum makes an often difficult middle school course enjoyable for students.

The English 6 syllabus allows time for students to enjoy reading literature, by alternating the focus between reading and writing throughout the year. Your student will also be able to see a systematic growth in vocabulary, grammar, and writing skills.

You can click here to learn more about this course and the Ron Paul Curriculum.

Current Educational Journey

I love digging deeper into history and looking at the causes and effects of historical events.

What If I’d Had the RPC

The Ron Paul Curriculum would have given me the benefit of getting more practice at writing as a kid.

Advice to Parents

Read your students’ weekly essays and they’ll see faster progress.

Advice to Students

Give this course a try and you’ll be surprised at your progress.

Recommended Book

Call of the Wild by Jack London. You can purchase this book at

Success Habit

Fighting and overcoming procrastination by scheduling things out and sticking to the schedule.

About the Instructor

Bradley FishBradley Fish, Jr. graduated from Thomas Edison State College in the month he turned 18 years old. He spent $13,000 to do this. Bradley teaches history and English in grades 6 to 8. He also teaches public speaking in the 9th grade. Bradley grew up in a large homeschooling family and was homeschooled from K to 12th grade. He is married and lives outside Atlanta Georgia. Bradley enjoys public speaking and is a member of Toastmasters International.

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