Listen to Dr. Gary North deliver a graduation speech to the 8th grade graduates of the Ron Paul Curriculum. Learn how this self-taught, video-based curriculum can give your students a head start in college and in life.

Getting A Head Start Graduation Speech Overview

  • Gary North’s encounter with Lenny Ross
  • You will have a head start in life if you take the Ron Paul Curriculum
  • You are using a self-taught curriculum
    • This prepares you for college where there is no one to nag you or help you each day
    • You can go at your own pace: fast or slow. You can’t do this in a classroom environment
    • Videos let you review lessons whenever you need it
  • Weekly writing assignments for mastery of writing
  • The RPC allows extensive free time for other projects
    • Learn a foreign language online
    • Start a home-based business
    • Get an apprenticeship
    • Earn an AA degree by 17 or 18 using CLEP/AP
    • Enter college as junior or senior at 17 or 18
  • You can graduate from college at age 19
  • Conclusions
    • Work 40 hours a week in education
    • Some education can be in a job working for a successful small local business
    • No job? Spend more time taking CLEP exams
    • Gain more time by mastering speed reading

You can watch and to listen to this speech at the Ron Paul Curriculum website. Click here.

Middle School Course Listing:

This page lists each course from 6th grade to 8th grade and includes a course description along with a link to the podcast episode and the Ron Paul Curriculum course overview page. You can watch the first 5 lessons for each course on the course overview page.

About the Instructor

Economics Gary North Ron Paul CurriculumDr. Gary North is the author of over 60 books, including Honest Money, Salvation Through Inflation, and a 31-volume Economic Commentary of the Bible. He has published the Remnant Review newsletter since 1974. He has written over 1,250 articles on Lew Dr. North received his Ph.D. in American history from the University of California, Riverside.

Dr. North teaches economics, U.S. history, business, government, and the high school English courses for the Ron Paul Curriculum.

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