Learn about the rhetoric of Martin Luther as you listen to lesson 3 of the 11th grade English course of the Ron Paul Curriculum.

Western Literature II is taught by Dr. Gary North and focuses on Western literature from the Reformation to modern times. It is designed to be complementary to the course on the history of Western civilization, also from the Reformation to modern times. Listen in as Dr. North teaches students about theses 1 to 47 of Dr. Martin Luther’s 95 Theses.

About the Instructor

Economics Gary North Ron Paul CurriculumGary North, Ph.D. is the author of over 50 books, including Honest Money and Salvation Through Inflation. He has published the Remnant Review newsletter since 1974. He has published over 1,250 articles on Lew Rockwell.com.

Dr. North teaches economics, U.S. history, business, government, and the high school English courses for the Ron Paul Curriculum.

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