In this episode Richard Emmons interviews Bradley Fish, Jr. who teaches the Public Speaking course for the Ron Paul Curriculum. You’ll learn how important Public Speaking is as a skill in the real world.

Freedom Quote

“A speech without a specific purpose is like a journey without a destination.” -Ralph Smedley

Public Speaking Course Overview

In this class students will learn how to write and present a successful speech. The course includes: watching effective speeches from some of today’s best presenters and analyzing their strengths and weaknesses, learning how to get from a speech topic to a well-written speech, and pointers on how to deliver any speech effectively. Based on the programs used by Toastmasters International, a widely recognized community organization, this speech class will help any student work through the fear of public speaking and become a confident communicator. Several different types of speeches will be explored: Informative, Story Telling, Persuasive, Impromptu and more.

Students will practice on their own, and then post the results on YouTube. They may choose to keep these videos private — family and friends only. But the experience of preparing a speech that is suitable for YouTube is an important learning technique.

You can click here to learn more about this course and the Ron Paul Curriculum.

Recommended Book

How to Deliver a TED Talk: Secrets of the World’s Most Inspiring Presentations by Jeremey Donovan. You can purchase this book at

About the Instructor

Bradley FishBradley Fish, Jr. graduated from Thomas Edison State College in the month he turned 18 years old. He spent $13,000 to do this. Bradley teaches history and English in grades 6 to 8 and the public speaking course.

Bradley grew up in a large homeschooling family and was homeschooled from K to 12th grade. He is married and lives outside Atlanta Georgia. Bradley enjoys public speaking and is a member of Toastmasters International.

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