In this episode you’ll listen to Lesson 1 of the 9th Grade Physical Science course of the Ron Paul Curriculum.

You can learn more about this course by listening to episode 6 of the Ron Paul Homeschooling Podcast. In that episode you’ll hear Richard Emmons interview John Hamilton. who describes how the Physical Science course is taught and what is covered. This course prepares students to take the CLEP Science examination at the end of 9th grade. Click here to the show notes page for the Science 9 interview.

Click here to learn more about this course and the Ron Paul Curriculum.

About the Instructor

Science RonPaulHomeschooling.comMr. John Hamilton has a BS and MS in mechanical engineering. He has worked professionally as an engineer both as a company employee and as an independent consultant. He has spent over a decade teaching Engineering and Science to university students and understands both how to teach complex topics and what students need to know to be able to succeed in the STEM fields.

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