“Adverbs modify verbs like adjectives modify nouns.” My jaw hit the floor when my 8th grade English teacher mentioned this simple grammar rule. Why? Because my 4th grade and 5th English teachers hadn’t taught me this simple rule. What was I taught in elementary...
Ever look through your old high school yearbooks? Me neither. Yearbooks are big, heavy, oversized books which you just can’t get rid of. They sit in your garage or attic or storage unit. Usually collecting dust until a few days before your high school reunion....
Remember the first time you played Pong? The home version came out in 1975. I must have played it at a neighbor’s home. I can’t remember who it was. I do remember that we didn’t have video games in our home. Lots of books. Boardgames like Monopoly. A...
Only 40% of college senior feel their college experience has been very helpful in preparing for a career. This study also found 18% of Arts & Humanities college seniors feel “not at all” prepared for their careers. Makes you wonder if they are at all...
I never get invited to Bridal showers. Or baby showers. Traditions change slowly. My wife attended a Bridal shower Sunday. Kathleen got caught up with several moms from our homeschooling days. She felt the weight of homeschooling as moms shared their stories. One mom...
When our girls started their bluegrass band they got in the habit of a 2-hour practice every Saturday morning. I liked that because I was home and could enjoy hearing them make music together. This went on for many weeks and they got better as time went by. Then I had...