Two Colleges Die

By Dr. Gary North Sweet Briar College in rural Virginia will close its doors in May 2015. So will Tennessee Temple in Chattanooga. What if you had spent $150,000 (after taxes) to send your daughter to Sweet Briar? She planned to graduate from Sweet Briar after you...

High School: Islamic vocabulary lesson part of Common Core standards

By Todd Starnes December 20, 2014. Parents in Farmville, North Carolina want to know why their children were given a Common Core vocabulary assignment in an English class that promoted the Prophet Muhammad and the Islamic faith. “It really caught me off guard,” a...

Why Tax-Funded Education Is Doomed

By Dr. Gary North My interview by the Daily Bell appears here. I was asked if I think public education is doomed. I said that it is. Here’s why: people do not want to pay for a tax-funded priesthood to preach an opposing religion at the expense of taxpayers....

Common Core: Already Sinking

By Gary North. The latest Gallup poll indicates that about a third of the public is favorable, a third is not, and a third have no opinion. This indicates declining support since last April. The very negative public is rising: 13% to 18%. The very positive public is...